This is what I’ve learned on the First anniversary of my Last flight!
Exactly a year ago this week I was on an Emirates A380 for 50 hours to San Francisco over the North Pole and back. I have not flown since!!
Yes I miss it but Here is what I’ve learned !
I’ve released at least 50% more productive hours vs the prior year.
I’ve never been less sick. International travel involves swimming through one gigantic Petri dish.
I’ve trebled the time with my family and for myself
I’ve reduced stress levels and improved sleep dramatically
I’m eating much healthier and cycling more
ALL my clients have pivoted to online and remote work seamlessly.
Globally clients are now more comfortable sourcing competence worldwide, especially experienced digital ones.
Local holidays are fantastic when you have a world in one country !
Board meetings , panels, professional advice, coaching, keynotes, lectures, tv and radio shows and selling all work well online.
Yes I’m a sample of one but my experience is being echoed by the hundreds of executives that I engage with annually.
Vaccine or no vaccine Business travel will need to demonstrate that it passes tougher cost/ benefit/ risk analyses. Is a business trip like the Fax of the new world?
Time to shape shift to the future.