What the president should have said

My fellow South Africans...

I had a dream last night that the President made this speech.

My Fellow South Africans

We find ourselves in a medical , social and economic crisis unprecedented in the history of this country. This calls for strong decisive leadership and I am accordingly announcing the following actions with immediate effect.

The immediate release of funds to purchase the necessary vaccines to have 60 million vaccinated in 60 days

The end of all SOE subsidies with funds being redirected to vaccine purchases.
The halving of my cabinet and The major restructure of the civil service to release funds to support SME’s.

The rollout of state sponsored broadband to provide every South African with the ability to work, learn, communicate and play remotely

The suspension without pay of all civil servants and party members for serious crime allegations and the acceleration of the prosecution and jailing of the top 100 most serious crimes

The investment of R1Tn in infrastructure and human capital (especially healthcare) over five years

The immediate creation of a task team aimed at recouping the gains from criminal activity including covid and state capture over the last ten years and even now.

I will be announcing further actions every 90 days. Thank you for your attention.

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