My teenage daughter has already spent ten percent of her entire life in lockdown! The lifelong impact of this globally is yet to be seen.
I spent an hour last night trying to find a ventilator for a LinkedIn contact’s colleague who reached out to me. (I hope you found one and that your friend made it) ( update – he didn’t. And he didn’t) 🥲
I’m reading desperate messages every hour for anyone who knows how to secure an oxygen bottle.
Millions who desperately want a vaccine can’t get one while millions others refuse to take it.
We all know dozens who have contracted covid and many who have died from it. It’s no longer just statistics.
Heart strings are tugged by stories of many dying alone
I’m arguing with otherwise sensible people that science is real.
This is not the new normal. This is an abnormal time when we all have to get real and face up to the fact that our previous perception of reality was a facade. We painted over many of societys cracks. But they never went away. Covid did not cause this. It exposed this.
Rebuilding means not plastering over the structural cracks but fixing them. There is a very tough road ahead in spite of what the marketers say.