Saving a country from a horrible leader

Old, incompetent, immoral, nepotistic and the list goes on...

Saving a country from a horrible leader. An old, late 70 year old, incompetent, immoral, nepotistic, populist with close ties to Russia manipulates an anachronistic election system that is heavily biased towards rural areas, to become president of the economic powerhouse of the region. He then proceeds to dismantle all organizations of oversight and dismisses professional staff in key roles to appoint incompetent loyalists and sycophants. This extends to undermining the justice system and despite many legal challenges and attempts to unseat him he is kept in place by his own party who serve a narrow set of economic and sectarian interests. He is also supported by pro- party media that benefits from the presidents agenda. He survived both sex and conflict of interest scandals while driving a policy of division and radicalization of the electorate. Trump in America? No – Zuma in South Africa. The parallels are uncanny. The outcome in South Africa should give America hope. Eventually the ruling party came to its senses after a series of major losses of urban areas. The centre held! If your history continues to mimic ours then Brace yourself for President Pence (South Africans who condemned Zuma and champion Trump need to appreciate that its wholly illogical).

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