Immediacy breeds success. It’s useful for startups to consider immediacy in driving out their value propositions. Here is a stark example that is over a hundred years old. What’s the difference between anesthesia and antiseptic? One removes pain and the other removes germs. Both are important for hospitals. They were both developed around the same time but the rate of adoption was staggeringly different. It took anesthesia twenty years to spread to most hospitals. But the adoption of antiseptic practices took Ten times longer to propagate. Even though it saved far more lives. Why this huge difference in adoption rates? It’s simple. Anesthesia brought obvious and immediate relief to a very visible and painfully urgent need. Antiseptic care saved On future infections, was not obviously of benefit and cause and effect were not clearly linked. You could not at the time see germs That’s a huge lesson for all inventors. Especially when it comes to preventative healthcare or environmental protection actions. Design for immediacy or communicate for it. If it’s not urgent then it’s not important.
Immediacy breeds success

- February 10, 2020
- , 6:50 am
- , Business Strategy
Consider immediacy as part of driving out your value proposition.