Everyone wants to lead

Who is leading now?

“Did you get on with your leaders? No, I got on without them “

Everyone wants to lead.

But followers get things done. Too many talkers, navigators and philosophers will just create chaos at the top. So the doers just get on with fixing it. Whether it’s making work from home work or getting around clumsy government action the fact is that it’s the people on the ground who are helping the world cope. Nurses , doctors, IT specialists, e-commerce operators just did what professionals do. They got on without leadership.

Not grandiose eloquent speakers in high office obsessed with their own fame , importance or power.

Follower-ship is greatly underestimated as a strategic factor in achieving goals. There are very few leaders in this Covid crisis as we can see from the challenges in government and corporates. Just words, tactics and job losses. Reactive and not proactive. No real vision or grand plan to build a new exciting future. So learn to lead yourself.

When we look back in a few years we will see that only a few countries and companies will stand out as having done the right things.

It will be because of a great vision but importantly super execution and compliance by followers.

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