Don’t be flotsam. Be a surfer. Pick your wave
This economic and medical crisis is a tsunami of change. An unprecedented wave of disruption across multiple industries , functions , regions and markets.
One has a few ways to deal with waves of change.
Be a bouy:
Remain firm and relatively Unchanging only responding to small changes in height and direction held firm off a solid base.
Become sunken debris:
Break up and sink to the bottom to either disappear forever or wash up as wreckage on some distant shore to be taken up by another.
Become flotsam or jetsam:
Breakup and float away in pieces to be recovered by someone else elsewhere.
Be a surfer :
Ride over the crests Waiting for the perfect wave in order to ride it furiously to the end.
The waves are common to us all but vary in severity and timing. How you position, structure and navigate your business and career is up to you. But survival is a distinct option. So is greater success