Car based commerce is set to make a huge comeback. We are all allergic to crowds for the next few years which is bad news for theatres, restaurants, religious gatherings and even outdoor music festivals. The car is the greatest isolation and distancing mechanism around. It’s going to make a great comeback in business in the next few years as an effective means to deliver services to large groups of people safely with some semblance of ambiance and atmosphere. Drive Ins are great for movies, churches and rock concerts but also as roadhouses if you feel like going out for a meal. These trends are already apparent. Drive thrus have been perfect for takeaways, Banking and soon Click and collect and Even medical testing for the virus. Why not shop on line at the mall and pick up on the way home. For anything from clothes and groceries to pharmacies this is a super efficient solution and easy to implement as an option. Already cars are replacing public transport in major cities with serious traffic impacts. Given the nature of human ingenuity I’m expecting many hundreds more applications.