This is a hundred times worse than South Africa. Literally! They were in the same place two months back. A country that is a third of its size with similar demographics , Gini coefficient and line of latitude. I predicted that this would happen two months ago with a post summarized “the speed of the leader is the speed of the team”.
South Africans need to understand that this is where you would have been without the severe and quick lockdown. Yes there is severe economic damage to recover from as in all countries. And it’s execution was clumsy.
Please ignore alleged “scientists “ arguing that our models were wrong. If anything they might have been too optimistic. Brazil is, by all accounts, significantly undercounting.
It’s very easy to criticize the lack of a disaster as an overreaction. Brazil could have been us. That’s the bullet you dodged.
We still have to deal with reopening the economy and the fact that there are many deaths ahead but we have many unused coffins that we should all be grateful for.
Thank you Mr President. This country owes you a huge debt of gratitude. Now the three years of rebuilding globally can commence.