Be mindful of your biases. “Ism’s” are dangerous. They are your blind spots and will be the end of you. The size of your mind is the size of your world .
Do you support Friends and family irrespective of ethics and morals ? We call that Nepotism And it’s both illegal and immoral.
Do you support individuals with your tribal surname or language irrespective of ethics or morals. We call that Tribalism and it is the root cause of many of Africa’s ills.
Do you support individuals with your religion irrespective of ethics or morals? That’s fundamentalism and is the root cause of many religious wars.
Do you support your race group irrespective of ethics or morals? We call that Racism And that is an international crime on a par with apartheid.
Do you support only individuals from your country irrespective of ethics or morals. We call that Nationalism and it has led to two world wars and multiple bilateral ones.
Do you act against those unlike you on the basis of the above? We call that xenophobia and that is a crime against humanity.
Do you do all of the above ? That’s where politics is today!!!!!
So be mindful of your actions and practice humanism instead. Because one day they will come for you !