The Digital Revolution is, at its most basic, a parasite elimination cure. In biological ecosystems there are many instances of life coexisting in close proximity to each other. Sometimes the dependence is only one way but often both benefit from this. Examples are aphids who create milk for ants , a pilot fish with sharks or even our own gut bacteria. This is a symbiotic existence, very sustainable over time and can be essential for life. Like bees pollinating flowed in exchange for nectar. The second form of life is a lot more insidious and is parasitic. This is where only one entity secures a benefit and often at the expense of the host. Sometimes even causing the death of that host. We often call them diseases because of this. Malaria is a case in point But this extends to governments, corporates and even personal relationships. The most sustainable are those relations involving a symbiote. Parasites have to be eliminated. Governments and corporates that economically “rape” their hosts are the worst of course and a special fate awaits them. The digital and social revolutions are essentially parasite elimination processes. So either build symbiotes or if you are a parasite then reengineer yourself for sustainability
Are you designing for Digital Symbiosis?

- January 20, 2020
- , 12:17 pm
- , Digital Transformation
The digital revolution is a parasite elimination cure.