America will be the epicenter of death with projections of up to 200 k dead. Why? It’s all about America’s DNA.
America was build on a loose coalition of states, a weak centre , prioritization of self over community, almost no social net, minimal public healthcare, extreme capitalism over socialism, personality over effectiveness , PR over delivery and perception over reality. This led to extreme polarization of politics and policies favoring the rich few.
It built the greatest wealth generation engine in the world but with one of the worst levels of wealth inequality
In a pandemic these very same attributes create a perfect storm of death. A single cell showed us that the emperor was naked. A dysfunctional Centre, 50 state strategies, profit overruling purpose, sound bites over plans, personality over science, agendas over lives, philosophies over people and all worsened by delays is decision making.
Health is a common good that we all share. Like the environment , climate and infrastructure. The state of all four are in severe decline due to this.
When the dust has settled America will have to address the ugly face of raw capitalism and if pandemics are the future it will have to change its DNA to win again.