A call-out to the media

What the media should be telling us now.

The media is off point on their reporting on the pandemic .

Don’t show me :

1. politicians arguing and giving terrible advice
2. famous people who are too stupid to self isolate and got themselves infected
3. Governments spending our tax money on us does not make them heroes
4. Over dramatizing of events like shops or stock exchanges that just makes them worse
5. Statistics on how much imaginary money was lost on stock exchanges

Do show me :

1. Healthcare professionals giving out scientific advice
2. The true hero healthcare workers
3. The warnings from areas that are stricken at peak infection and their lessons
4. The countries that have recovered and their best practice advice
5. Reassurances that supply chains are improving
6. Statistics on tests conducted, numbers infected, deaths, numbers recovered, hospital beds available but also per region.
7. Support plans for businesses and individual

We need calm science and logic. Not falsehoods and political positioning.

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